The Dominion

A Media Co-op publication

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Green Majority's picture

Daryn Caister and Stefan Hostetter both majored in Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto and have a combined twenty years experience with eco-advocacy and journalism.

Daryn has been doing environmental news radio since 2007.

Learn more about Daryn here and Stefan here.

We Are

- Environmental evangelizers who do their research.

- Non-partisan, informed commentators.

- Promoting solutions, and ideas that deserve attention.

- Promoting a prosperous clean economy for all.

- Advocating for science and fact based public policy.

- Growing the Movement.

100% Member Supported

Weekly 3-5 min video news shorts about Canadian environmental news free on YouTube as a public service. We choose our stories by those that have important elements to the story that aren't being covered, are being covered improperly by the mainstream media.

- 1 min of summery of the news story

- 1-4 min of additional investigative journalism and informed commentary you won't find anywhere else.

- As membership expands, so does our content.

- Posted as a public service on YouTube for free.


Help Us

Instead of answering to advertisers or special interests we answer to you. We provide the service of condensing important environmental stories into clear, informed Canadian and international stories.

Green Majority TV is supported by members like you, who subscribe for just $5 a month to help support the production of the show. The most will be for free on YouTube,

and for members...

Weekly members-only video podcast with the hosts.

Behind the Scenes updates, to see what we do with your support.

Extended cuts of interviews.

More to come!

I am an aspiring journalist currently in the Journalism program at Seneca.

Brett Rhyno is an environmental organizer and writer.

The site for the Dominion in The Media Co-op network has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.